Institution Bank Account Maintenance

Adding Bank Accounts and setting up default bank accounts for institutions

Update to Bank Account Maintenance

All bank accounts will now be stored in a bankAccounts array on the institution, rather than maintained in individual institution properties.

Previously bank accounts were set up on institutions like this:

"goodFunds": {
  "bankAccountNumber": "****3333",
  "bankRoutingNumber": "****0030"
"fees": {
  "bankAccountNumber": "****3333",
  "bankRoutingNumber": "****0030"
"revenue": {
  "bankAccountNumber": "****3333",
  "bankRoutingNumber": "****0030"

These bank accounts have now moved into a bankAccounts array on the institution that stores all of the institution bank accounts. Inside each individual bank account we store an array indicating which payment types that bank account is used for by default.

Add Multiple Bank accounts without default payment types

You can achieve this by providing multiple bank accounts in the bank accounts array on the institution, with each account set up with no defaults

    "defaults": [],
    "bankName":"Bank Name 1",
    "defaults": [],
    "bankName":"Bank Name 2",

Change/Add the payment types of the associated bank type for institution

You need to include the payment types you want to be associated with your bank account.

    ["GOODFUNDS","FEES", "REVENUE"], <----- Any of these can be provided in this array to set up

Institution Example Payload with the bank accounts

  "status": "Approved",
  "automaticIdentityVerification": true,
  "checkSettings": {
    "checkProcessorEnabled": false,
    "memoMappingEnabled": false,
    "memoMapping": "reference1"
  "staticReport": {
    "enabled": false
  "externalStatus": "Active",
  "contacts": [
      "primary": true,
      "name": "Name",
      "title": "Title",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "phone": "2222222222"
  "associatedNetworkName": "Network name",
  "associatedNetworkId": "8eb58e1d-36d3-54ef-834f-a6ef566309b4",
  "fid": "fid",
  "name": "Institution name",
  "address": {
    "street1": "PSS Street",
    "city": "Tucker",
    "state": "GA",
    "country": "USA",
    "postalCode": "33125"
  "achDelayDays": 0,
  "bankAccounts": [
      "accountNumber": "89898989898989898",
      "routingNumber": "111111111",
      "accountType": "savings",
      "defaults": [
      "accountNumber": "38938934898398989",
      "routingNumber": "888888888",
      "accountType": "checking",
      "defaults": [
  "debitMethod": "Manual"

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