CPX Secure File Transfer Protocol Procedure
WIthin CPX you have different options for uploading your PIF files. You can upload it through the UI, API, and finally SFTP. This page contains information about using our CPX SFTP feature. If you would like to use CPX SFTP, please reach out to your implementation manager.
When using our SFTP feature you will see four folders. You will see the PIF, Settlement, Disposition, and Update folder.
PIF Folder
This folder will be used for uploading your PIF file. The custom mapping feature in CPX allows PIF files to be configured to meet your individual needs and that the implementation manager will work with you to define what should be included in your payment file.
Settlement Folder
This file contains all transactions that settled since the last settlement file was sent.
Disposition Folder
This file is confirmation that the PIF was received and if there were any failures or exceptions within.
VCN number, CVV, and Expiration date can be found in the disposition folder as well. However, they will be masked. If you want the data to be unmasked, you need to reach out to your implementation manager.
Update Folder
This file contains transactions with a status change to any of the following: Expired, Cancelled, Refunded, Returned, or Partially Refunded.
Below is a description of how long it takes for each folder to send/update files
PIF File: Sent for processing within 10 minutes of being uploaded
Settlement File: Daily file sent at 5 am EST
Disposition File: Sent within 30 mins of the PIF file being processed/received
Update File: Daily file sent at 5 am EST
Examples of Files
Below you will see examples of what each file's data should look like when you upload or retrieve files from SFTP in CSV format
Disposition File
Network ID | Buyer ID | Buyer Name | Payee ID | Payee Name | Amount | Buyer Transaction ID | CPX Transaction ID | Transaction Status | Authorization Code | Authorization Message | VCN Account Number | VCN Account Expiration | CVV2 |
Networkid | buyerid | John Doe | payeeid | John Hawn | 72 | wx2ek33kfpwc8ski | ojwe3jfd5ffi4dcf3a | Approved | Processed | Authorize | oijj3232oiajdd3aoidjd | 05-20 | 333 |
Settlement File
Buyer (BID) | VCN Account Number | Transaction ID | VCN Reference Number | Post Date | Purchase Date | Hold Amount | Hold Trans Code | PIR Reason | Supplier (SID) |
TestBuyer | 765463542175645 | Tradjfkeiui8id | 764532165746352 | 05-20-2020 | 05-20-2020 | 20 | j23kf482fkfkji2c3 | Overdraft | TestSupplier |
Update File
Buyer (BID) | SID | Transaction ID | Account Mask | Payment Status Date | Payment Status |
TesterBuyer | SupplierName | TRAN2323232 | sf4349fj4384j | 05-20-20 | Pending |
Updated over 4 years ago