NachaId Validation
List of how the NachaId should be structured when sent to our API
Valid NachaId
Has only 10 characters
"nachaId": "a2w349uyr4"
Has only alphanumeric and hyphen ( - )
"nachaId": "a-w349uyr4"
Has only 1 hyphen and only on the 2nd or third position
"nachaId": "a2-349uyr4"
Has non-alphanumeric characters.
"nachaId": "a?w349uyr4"
Length is more than 10
"nachaId": "a-w349uyr45"
Length is less than 10
"nachaId": "a2-349uyr"
Hyphen is in the fourth spot.
"nachaId": "a2w-49uyr4"
Updated almost 4 years ago