Update Buyer Payment Type

Below are examples of updating your buyer's payment type VCN with the bank account you just added.

VCN Payment Type

PUT to https://sandbox-api.cpxenterprise.com/buyer/v1/buyer/{buyer.id}

    "name": "BuyerName",
    "bid": "xxxxxa-b565-5108-837c-594e317d4ab5",//buyer id
    "associatedInstitutionId": "xxxxxxc4-35b3-5358-9f0e-6b8e812fe2df",
    "status": "Approved",
    "externalStatus": "Active",
    "billing": "GOOD_FUNDS",
    "debitMethod": "Debit for Each Transaction",
        "delayDays": 6 
  "virtualCardEnabled": true,
  "virtualCardRequested": true

You may now check that your VCN was updated with the correct account by executing the following request:

GET to https://sandbox-api.cpxenterprise.com/buyer/v1/buyer/{buyer.Id}/bank/default/VCN

    "billing": "GOOD_FUNDS",
    "debitMethod": "Debit for Each Transaction",
    "delayDays": 6,
    "bankAccount": {
        "accountNumber": "*******",
        "accountType": "checking",
        "defaults": [
        "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb07bf5a3a3aef8b89ea3f",
        "routingNumber": "*******"

To know more about updating your buyer's payment type. Please review our API documentation.